Network Automation and Monitor

Network automation is the process of automating the configuration, management and operations of a computer network. It a broad term that includes a number of tools, technologies and methodologies used to automate network processes.

Network automation is implemented through the combination of hardware and software-based solutions that automatically execute and manage repetitive network environment processes. A common example of network automation is the firewall application, which once set up, automatically allows or blocks incoming/outgoing traffic for abnormalities. Similarly, the network switch/server automatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP) address to any network node connected to a new network.

Network monitoring is a computer network’s systematic effort to detect slow or failing network components, such as overloaded or crashed/frozen servers, failing routers, failed switches or other problematic devices. In the event of a network failure or similar outage, the network monitoring system alerts the network administrator (NA). Network monitoring is a subset of network management.